Medieval Combat goes to School
At numerous school and family sports events, it has become clear how enthusiastic children and teens are about Medieval Combat. The sport-specific soft-sword training system offers a straightforward and safe way to get started in the sport.
For the school sports project "Medieval Combat Goes to School," the ARMORED COMBAT AUSTRIA provides trained instructors and equipment for conducting training sessions with the soft-sword system at schools. This comes at no cost to students or schools. We are also working towards establishing a partnership with the Austrian Federal Ministry for Arts, Culture, the Civil Service and Sport for this project.
Party Survey for the National Council Election 2024
On the occasion of the National Council election on September 29, 2024, the ARMORED COMBAT AUSTRIA reached out to the campaigning parties and requested answers to two questions regarding niche sports and social responsibility.
Please note that the order of the parties in the following document does not express any preferences. The parties are listed in the same order as they appear on the ballot.
Day of Sports
The "Day of Sports" is an event organized by the Federal Ministry for Arts, Culture, Civil Service, and Sports (BMKOES), and will take place on September 21, 2024, at Heldenplatz in Vienna. In addition to the ARMORED COMBAT AUSTRIA, over 60 other Austrian sports federations will be represented. More than 250,000 sports fans are expected to attend. For the Medieval Combat sport, the "Day of Sports" is therefore a unique opportunity to present itself to a wide audience and to attract people interested in sports.
On site, the ACA will inform about Medieval Combat at Pagoda 324. Right across, on the activity area 324, there will be soft-sword training sessions for young and old alike. Additionally, the ACA offers the "Fastest Sword" challenge as a participatory station. The Medieval Combat offerings on the "Sports Day" are aimed at children, teenagers, and adults of all ages. People with disabilities are also welcome to try the soft-sword training within the scope of their abilities.
A highlight of the event will take place at 5:30 p.m. on the so-called "Action Stage", where Medieval Combat athletes will perform
Special Module for Medieval Combat
The instructor training provides fundamental knowledge about the planning, structure, and implementation of a training session. The training enables individuals to lead a group and design movement activities independently, considering necessary safety aspects. In 2020, the instructor training was standardized by SPORT AUSTRIA and sports umbrella organizations throughout Austria. The training now consists of a common basic module for all sports (21 teaching units of 45 minutes each) and a sport-specific special module (minimum of 25 teaching units of 45 minutes each). After successfully completing the basic module, individuals can complete as many special modules as desired for five years.
ARMORED COMBAT AUSTRIA has collaborated with SPORTUNION Niederösterreich to develop a special module for Medieval Combat, aiming to standardize the training offerings of clubs in Austria with high quality. The Medieval Combat special module will be offered through the SPORTUNION Akademie and will take place for the first time from November 15th to 17th, 2024 at the Lower Austria Sports Center.
For more information, please visit
Fit Sport Austria Quality Seal
Fit Sport Austria is a joint project of the three umbrella sports organizations (ASVÖ, ASKÖ, and SPORTUNION) under the motto "MOVING MORE TOGETHER" and aims to promote conscious movement for all people in Austria. Thanks to the nationwide network for promoting physical activity, sports and movement offerings in Austria can be further developed and expanded. The Fit Sport Austria website ( provides space for those clubs that offer at least one movement program with a quality seal. The Fit Sport Austria quality seal was developed to facilitate access for people living in Austria to a more active lifestyle and improved health that corresponds to their circumstances and possibilities.
ARMORED COMBAT AUSTRIA aims for its member clubs to offer and be recognized for their sports and exercise programs on the Fit Sport Austria platform. The quality requirements for the Fit Sport Austria Quality Seal (at least one qualified instructor, minimum of 10 units of 45 minutes exercise program per semester, quality assurance) are easily achievable. The recognition and promotion of Medieval Combat training offerings through Fit Sport Austria represent an important measure for publicity and the sport's image. It can be assumed that acquiring new athletes through the Fit Sport Austria Quality Seal is possible.
IMCF Marshal Training and Certification Course
The cornerstone of a good competition event lies in having qualified referees (= Marshals). Therefore, ARMORED COMBAT AUSTRIA is deeply committed to establishing and offering a solid training program for Marshals in Austria. Interested individuals can register with the IMCF Marshals Committee and, in the first step, take a written exam directly with the world federation (online). In the second step, ARMORED COMBAT AUSTRIA, together with certified Marshals from both domestic and international sources, annually offers a certification course as part of a tournament event. During this course, trainees can practically demonstrate their knowledge hands-on. Upon successful completion, IMCF's globally recognized Marshal certificates are issued by ARMORED COMBAT AUSTRIA.
For further information please visit

FIRST AID Course for Medieval Combat
In addition to the special module, completing a four-hour First Aid course is required to finalize the instructor training. As part of developing the Medieval Combat instructor special module, a separate First Aid course for Medieval Combat instructors is also being planned. The First Aid course will be conducted in collaboration with the training centre of the Red Cross. Specific requirements and potential injuries in both competition and training, as well as handling training and competition equipment, will be presented and taught to the highest standard in this First Aid course.