Austrian Sports Federation for Medieval Combat
KLG Neugebäude Schloss Parz. 4
1110 Wien
Tel.: +43 (0) 699 106 18 139
ZVR 1515398726
The ARMORED COMBAT AUSTRIA is a non-profit organization dedicated to representing the interests of medieval combat athletes and sports clubs in Austria to national organizations (e.g., SPORT AUSTRIA) and international bodies (e.g., IMCF).
The Presidium is the governing body of ARMORED COMBAT AUSTRIA in accordance with the Austiran association law.
Association authority: Vienna State Police Directorate
Information on data protection, cookies, disclaimer, liability and copyright can be found here.
The usage rights for the photos used were provided by Snapping Fire Dragon Photography, Bolette Hanson, FFSAF, SAFE Federation, Jennifer Vavrusa, Klaus Unterbuchberger, Tag des Sports/Agentur Diener, Dominik Just and Stefanie Lindorfer.