The ARMORED COMBAT AUSTRIA (ACA) is the Austrian sports federation for Medieval Combat. It was founded in 2011 and serves as the umbrella organization for all Medieval Combat clubs in Austria. Since 2012, ACA has assembled the Austrian national team as a partner of the Medieval Combat world federations and organized Austrias participation at the world championships.
In 2023, the ARMORED COMBAT AUSTRIA was reorganized and officially registered as a sports federation (ZVR 1515398726). Its mission is to promote and advance the development of Medieval Combat as a sport in Austria on a national and regional level. In this context, projects and measures are developed in the areas of youth, recreational and elite sport and implemented independently or in cooperation with partner organizations.
One of the ACA's goals for the development of Medieval Combat into the organized sport in Austria is, for example, the association's acceptance as an associated member of Sport Austria (Federal Sports Organization).
Jeder gemeinnützige (Sport-)Verein, dessen Zweck die Ausübung von Medieval Combat ist, kann ordentliches Mitglied der ACA werden. (Sport-)Vereine aus artverwandten Sportarten können ebenfalls ordentliche Mitglieder werden, sofern sie im Rahmen ihrer Tätigkeit auch Medieval Combat-Trainings anbieten. Vereine, die einen anderen Zweck verfolgen, jedoch im Rahmen ihrer Tätigkeit den Medieval Combat-Sport aktiv fördern, können assoziierte Mitglieder werden (siehe Bylaws §4). The ACA board of directors includes representatives from all full members who can actively contribute to ongoing developments. ACA remains a member of the existing world federations, the International Medieval Combat Federation (IMCF), Buhurt International and SAFE Federation, and continues to be responsible for assembling the Austrian national team for the annual World Championship.